The Stained Daisies 


Hazy Days Music is very excited to be premiering The Stained Daisies short, fiery, poetic-punk themed EP Give It To 'Em, out today on Side Stare Music. Hazy Days would like to thank The Stained Daises for taking the time out and having a chat.

How did The Stained Daisies all begin? 

In 2013 Daniel “big’n” Tuite and Jayden Hebbard started to write songs together. The pair had little more than naivety and a desire to play shows and to keep on writing music, and ever since that is exactly what they have been doing. The need for a bass player brought Jack “Davo” Davison on the scene, and The Stained Daisies were born. The three have since become the songwriters behind The Daisies.

Individuality (is fine as long as we do it together) was the first taste from this EP released a few weeks ago. What can you tell us about writing this track?

This track was written entirely by Davo. The idea for the track was sparked from an episode of M*A*S*H in which Frank Burns replies to Hawkeye - "Nothing's wrong with individuality, as long as we all do it together." Davo says that he happened to be reading some stuff at the time about group identities, the individual and duality; these concepts had already caught his interest before the episode sparked the idea to write a tune about it.

Give It To ‘Em is out today! Congratulations, it’s a fantastic EP. What was the experience like writing this EP? And could you share the message behind it?

The writing of this EP was unlike any approach we had taken before. Not including the lead single Individuality, the EP was written with the four of us in the room together. Big’n put his guitar down, leaving Bartos, Davo and Jayden to form a classic “three-piece” band (Bass, Guitar and Drums). While they would jam, big’n sat on the floor drawing, painting and writing in a free-flowing manner. By the time the three-piece managed to weave together some musical ideas big’n had enough stories in mind to begin developing the lyrical content.

One of my favourite tracks off the EP is Taste It. What is this song written about?

Lyrically, Taste It is a reaction to fear and the way it can hold us back from living. It suggests that there is a grave need to be doing things in order to be living. It suggests that to love is the highest form of living and that if you're too afraid to taste it, it's a tragedy. It is more or less an aggressive version of the “life be in it advertisements from the 90's.

The EP launch show is this Friday, you must be very excited to be playing live again, whats planned for the show? And can we catch The Daisies playing anywhere else?

We had an east coast tour was planned throughout February for the launch of Give It To ‘Em. The tour would have taken us across three states and would have given us the opportunity to play these new songs for crowds across the country. Unfortunately, Covid-19 claimed these shows, and they were unable to go ahead. 

On Friday the 11th March, we are scheduled to play on the band room stage at The Tote in Collingwood. We are to be supported by three fantastic bands, SUNEDEN, Natural Appetites and a young band from our hometown of Grafton called SKERZO. Tickets are available through the Facebook event. Covid-19 threatens to claim this show, too, Jayden is awaiting a PCR test results, so this show may not go ahead. 

On the 30th of April we are playing a gig at Shotkickers and we have a terrific festival booked in at Bellingen called River Sounds in August.

*The Tote show has been cancelled due to COVID, head over to the event page for more info*

What are the plans for The Stained Daisies in 2022? Anything else you’d like to add before we go?

Covid-19 has been really tough for all creatives over the last couple of years, though it seems the Stained Daisies have had a particularly frustrating bout of bad luck through this time. We will continue to try to re-book tours along the east coast of Australia and will continue to make music together though the future seems uncertain.

Stay up to date with all things The Stained Daisies on Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.

Posted on the 10th of March, by Jake Taylor.


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