Jewel Owusu


Jewel Owusu has quickly been gaining the attention of the Australian music industry. Recently releasing her debut EP mantra, it's an infectious blend of R&B and indie-pop and one of our favourite releases of the year. There is a good chance you have caught Jewel playing over the past few months as she has been relentlessly gigging all over Perth. Hazy Days Music would like to thank Jewel for taking the time out and having a chat.


 When did you first start playing music? When did you realise that this project was something you wanted to pursue? And how was releasing your first single?

I've always been really interested in music. I started learning the piano and singing a little bit in primary school, but I didn't properly get into it until high school. In high school, I was like, I’m going to try everything! I learned alto sax and focused on piano, but it wasn't until my senior year that I wanted to get back into singing. 

I started writing my own songs in high school but didn’t think I was going to share them with anyone. Last year that changed listening back to them, I actually think these songs are alright, and I wouldn't mind putting them out. Perth's Lockdown gave me a lot more time to work on my music and gave me the confidence to share my songs. In 2020, I released my first single, susie. That was my favourite song and the one that means the most to me. I worked with one of my friends, Nat (NAMESAKE). We worked in her room and made susie together and turned it into what it is now.

Your latest single 2nd best? is so catchy! I love the funky, boppy chorus. What's the story behind writing this one? And did you always plan on featuring Michael Kay on this song?

I wrote this one at the end of last year. I was in a situationship with someone. You know when you can just tell that someone doesn't really like you that much and they like someone else way more than you. 

I wrote 2nd best? from that perspective. I left the second verse empty and thought it would be cool if there was a dialogue between me and a male singer. I didn't decide who I wanted to be on the track until recently. Michael Kay is one of my good friends, and when I showed it to him, he loved it and was really keen to work on it with me. We went over to his house and workshopped the song for the rest of the night, he wrote his verse, and it sounded sick! The lyrics he wrote came so naturally. He's a really talented musician and songwriter. We ended up writing the bridge together and re-recorded all my vocals at Michael's house that night as well. 

Coming up with the music for 2nd best? - I was mucking around with different sounds on Logic, and I found this really funky one that I was just playing around with it. I just came up with this little riff, and my lyrics just started flowing from there.
NAMESAKE also produced 2nd best?

Your debut EP mantra is genuinely my favourite release of the year. I can't take it off repeat! Could you share the story behind the songs swim don’t drown and better than waiting?

swim don't drown is about being in a toxic relationship and just being so invested, you don't see the red flags. I guess it's super cliche, haha. I worked with my cousin on this one (Janelle Komakech). She’s a singer and still in high school. I showed her the song one day, asking her if she likes the track? And do you maybe want to sing on it? She was like yeah, I’ll see what I can come up with. She wrote the second verse for the song and did a really great job. Her part is actually so hard to sing live because she’s so talented! 

better than waiting is a song that I wrote ages ago, like 2019. I was looking through my old voice memos and thought this would be a pretty fresh lo-fi track. I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do with it. I took it to NAMESAKE, and we worked on it a little together, and we got it sounding amazing.

How was your experience over Lockdown?

We were fortunate to have had it pretty good over here in Perth, as we weren't in lockdown for as long as Melbourne or anything. I was lucky to stay productive over that tough period. I feel like not seeing anyone and being locked inside made me more confident in putting myself out there. I'm a homebody, and I did really enjoy that time staying at home to work on music.

I liked that I could upload my music on streaming platforms and post about it on social media. I felt like it was just easier to do because I wasn't seeing anyone in person.

You have collaborated with a few artists, is this something you focus on?

That's what I am looking forward to doing the most this year, more collaborating. It's just so fun working with other artists.

I guess I haven't done that many collaborations. I've worked with NAMESAKE, Boyboy, my cousin and recently with Michael. 

I’m definitely keen to collaborate more in the future. I'm looking forward to working with artists from other cities.

How did the collaboration with Boyboy on lines u drew came about?

When I wrote this song, I wasn't sure if I wanted anybody else on it. I liked the idea of it being pretty laid back and acoustic. But I thought this song would be pretty cool if it had a dialogue between two singers. I reached out to Boyboy on Instagram and asked him if he would be keen to jump on this track. I am a huge fan of his work (I've never actually met him, haha).

I’ve always been pretty scared to ask people to collaborate or ask people for what I want, but this year I was like, nuh, what's the worst thing that could happen? If they say no, you just move on. 

This is the year for just asking what you want.

How was the experience organising the release of mantra?

It wasn't too difficult. I did have a few technical issues with the files. I announced the release date for the 27th of February, and it was only on stores a few days prior because it kept getting denied by Spotify. It was a very stressful time. I was up till 2 am so many nights of the week trying to fix it. 

Other than that, it was pretty cruisy.

What are your plans for 2021? I know you have been playing a lot already this year, do you have any more shows coming up? And is there any more music on the way?

I’m featuring on a single coming out very soon with Perth artist 506

I’m very excited to be supporting Methyl Ethel and POND on the 27th and 28th of June. Tickets and more info about these shows here.

I’ve had a few other gigs that have been postponed because of the snap lockdown here in WA, and just working out the new dates at the moment. 

Stay up to date with Jewel Owusu on Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.

Posted on the 11th of May by Jake Taylor.


